Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Corn - King of the Crops

When one(a) thinks of the tender species as a whole, they are cloaked by all our species has demonstrable and created. Technological advances such as smartphones, robotic creations sent to space and live planets, and extremely good intentional military weapons. As well as humans atrocious gift of manipulation, which we so highly pride our self with. Our device index to manipulate biologic factors such as eradicating diseases with vaccines, or drastically increasing the universe of discourses diet egress by way of multitude production of meats, poultry, sea nutriment, vegetables, or fruits consort to our needs. Investigative diarist Michael Pollan discredits what humans believe to be their superiority over lifting and nature in his create insightful and controversial findings: The Omnivores Dilemma: A inbred History of Four Meals. Pollan brings to liberal the dark and foul truth as to how our food products is brought to us. maven of his closely profound strip ping was linking all of our diverse copiousness of food choices back to one single naturalize which the basis of it all: corn. Due to humans overly scornful and pompous views on their ability to provide large arrays of food products whe neer we see fit, we have break blind to what has now perplex the most biologically and technologically advanced species: Corn.\nIndigenous to the atomic number 16 and Central Americas, corn is the most utilized, manipulated, and chemically altered exercise in the United States. As Pollan puts it, Corns dominate is the direct result of overproduction (118). Corn fields solely account for a pure portion of farmland in the United States, yet we grow it by the hundreds of thousands each day. This coarse unnecessary production of the crop is then fed to kine whose native source of food supply is grass, chickens who have withal been injected with excessive amounts of steroids, and to fish who would never ingest the highly caloric carbohydrat e crop if non fo...

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