Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Scarlet Letter - Independence, Strength and Choice

In chapter thirteen of The ruby Letter, Hawthorne says The reddened earn had non done its office (145, l.15). The cerise earn not hardly failed to complete its mission, but achieved the resistance goal. One can equalise with Hawthornes assessment by looking at ternion different areas in which Hester flourished because of the scarlet letter: independency, choice, and strength. It is through these areas that Hester re-established herself as a genuine extremity of her community. One of the goals of the scarlet letter was to make Hester repent for her sins, and smell sorry for her actions. The letter sooner gave her independence. As Hawthorne said the foreland of Hester Prynne herself, was power and peculiar. All the watery and graceful foliage of her denotation had been withered up by this red hot brand, and had retentive ago f allen away, leave a bare and jolty verbotenline, which might nurture been repulsive, had she have friends or companions to be feature by i t. (142, L. 26-30) The letter taught Hester to affiance other peoples thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of her keep and let them operate the appropriate measure of exploit on her life. Hester doesnt let the t havespeoples opinions define her, she wore the letter with pride. The letter didnt defeat her, it authorise her to live an upright life with the thought of Pearl eer in the back of her mind. The accompaniment that Hester started sewing to make her own living shows independence. If Hester hadnt been pushed out on her own, she wouldnt have started sewing to generate a living. One can likewise see Hesters independence in the way she carried herself. She did it so well, even under all the criticism. This eventually earned her delight in with the townspeople.\nThe scarlet letter act to weaken Hester, but instead, it gave her bleak ability and strength. Hester fed the poor, care for the sick, and offered aid in quantify of trouble. Hester self ordained herself a sister of charity. He...

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