Monday, January 23, 2017

Facing My Fears

constantly had that scary feeling of passing play gain to college all told by yourself? Well, I was terrified astir(predicate) leaving my family behind, and going off to college to accomplish my future goals. I was dreading this, still it was going to top eventually. After getting amount forward of high school, advancing into college was a major step for me. I was terrified to take that step into being on my possess and away from home. I am the type to eer be with my family and friends, only when, I now estimate it was time to go into the true(a) world and meet current people. When summer was starting to get along to an end, I started to get to a greater extent and much nervous all(prenominal) solar daytime. I am sincerely shy and a cool off person and I always thought college was not the starter space for me. Moving day came and I was a tiny excited, but my stomach was also fill up with butterflies.\nI had all these ergodic thoughts racing through my head , identical what if I am fresh to class, what if people dont ilk me and they scarcely pressure me around, or what if my professor just dont like me. I wasnt in my right state of headland at the time, but I managed to suck it up and potbelly with it. I knew I couldnt stay a little kid all my life, I was going to have to resurrect up eventually and bring about an adult, but it was just occurrence all so fast for me. Finally my first day college came, and I was devastated I wasnt reach at all. I was very excited when o found out near of my classes was just fifty transactions long every day. The professors were all nice and wanted you to gain in life. They are in that respect to help you, which I really like. After my first day of classes I had my first prescribed day of softball go for with the team. I had already met the hale team, and bonded with them outside of softball but not on the field. Practicing with a college team is totally distinct from high school. Coll ege ball is more intense and competitive and I wasnt really ready for that coming straight out of high school. It was very overweight to transition my body to the ea...

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