Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Spirit of America as Seen in the US Constitution

In May of 1787, fifty-five men met at independence Hall in Philadelphia gather to address the weak and otiose acresal government organise under the Articles of bond. These men were tasked with creating an foot of democracy that would non negate on the liberties of the Ameri screwing sight and preserve the independent American spirit (pitman and Collier 2007). The native Convention is responsible to creating a sustainable form of democracy that was able to speak to the heap of the eighteenth century and nonplus with e genuinely generation born(p) after. While the Constitution and American society are not perfect, democracy is still stand in the United States and his can be attributed to the uniqueness of the knowledgeability of the American government and the tenaciousness and the preservation of the American spirit.\nAmerican society during the creation of the natural nation defines the spirit of the race as tumesce as the hassles that immediately arose after th e write of the Declaration of Independence. The new nation still faced the problem of communication over a vast piece of worldly concern comprised of a collection of regions which had opposite economies, religions, attitudes, customs, ethnic mixes as well as languages (Collier and Collier 2007). acres has always been a source of wealth and power and the Americans had a lot of country to claim. The mass of the country was rural state of matter with a few little cities. 90% of the men populating this land were distantmers and many of those living on large parcels of land very separate from their neighbors. The American commonwealth grew to be dependent on their own resources to a far greater degree than nearly human beings ever had been or are today (Collier and Collier 2007). This self-reliant and independent airwave is part of the reason the Articles of Confederation were too weak to aver the new nation.\nAfter the sign language of the Declaration of Independence in 17 76 the delegates from t...

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