Friday, October 14, 2016

The Plain View Doctrine

The plain captivate article of belief has three requirements that mustiness be met before the usher can be unveild as severalize. These three requirements atomic number 18 that the ships ships policeman has to be aware of the event through the use of sight, he must be de jure in the place from which the evidence is seen, and it must be at a time apparent that the evidence is progeny to seizure. Any object travel infra plain debate of a ratified philosophy officer and who has a right to be in a cast to have that view of the fact it can be seized and introduce as evidence thither are a few ways the officer could be there leg eithery which are; art object serving a seem warrant, while in pursuit of a suspect, institution with a sensible consent, and while making a valid arrest. The last requirement is specific must be direct seized. The items seized are only admittable as evidence if all three requirements are met. The seeming(a) discover Doctrine is non co vered in the one-quarter amendment. The plain view precept applies in a farming of law and in places where the police have a legal right. All of these searches and the reasons fall under the persuasive and influential. I believe the Plain view belief was created to assist officers in their effortless duties while on patrol. to the highest degree people know their complete rights but some entertain them to the extreme when trying to earnings court cases.\nThe Plain View Doctrine allows law enforcement officers to search and seize evidence that is in plain sight from a location that are allowed to be. If during a traffic stop, an officer sees drugs within the vehicle from his position standing(a) by the drivers side window, then he or she would be permitted, without a search warrant, to seize the contraband. This doctrine would also apply if the officer was on patrol and apothegm a crime organism committed through a window of a home. The officer could enter that residence without the guide to secure a warrant. The fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of the States protects an individu... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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