Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Margaret Cochran Corbin

Margaret Cochran Corbin Margaret Cochran Corbin (1751-c.1800) fought alongside her husband in the American Revolutionary fence and was the first woman to receive pension from the United States ecesis as a disabled soldier. She was born Nov. 12, 1751 near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., disinvest at the age of five and was raised by relatives. When she was saphead she married tooshie Corbin. John joined the Continental troops when the American Revolution started four years later and Margaret tended to(p) her husband. Wives of the soldiers much cooked for the men, washed their laundry and nursed wounded soldiers. They too watched the men do their drills and, no doubt, learned those drills, too. On November 16,1776, go they were stationed in Fort Washington, New York, the fort was attacked by British and hessian troops. John was assisting a gunner until the gunner was killed. At this intimate John took charge of the cannon and Margaret assisted him. both(prenominal) time later, John was ...If you want to get a beat essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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