Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Farmer DBQ

Farmer DBQ 847 Corrine Mullins Period 6 February 3,2000 DBQ/ DISCONTENT FARMERS During the span of 1880-1900 grangers began to altogether step as if their ways of life were being threatened. Farmers snarl that a competition with railroads in monopolies and trusts, currency circulation shortage, and the powerful forces of go temperament seemed to be putting them in debt or sluice knocked out(p) of business. However, not all of the currency circulation shortage complaints could be brought up against the government, monopolies, and trusts. Over production, and bad weather accounted for these problems, which made the grangers complaints not totally valid. Competition was a major contributing factor to farmer discontent. Farmers were constantly competing with monopolies and trusts. Railroads were putting most farmers in the brink of bankruptcy. Groups progress to to help the farmers like The Grange tried to draw in abou t comforter from monopolies, but they were just too influential. It came to a hal...If you call for to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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