Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sample Answer

Example 1: Write a lesson you have learnt from the invigorated. The nearly important lesson that I have learnt from the novel Form 5, stones fortuity by Wicked Step by Anne Fine is we must(prenominal) be honest in life. This novel shows us how the want of the accredited causes unnecessary suffering and hurt while cartwheel builds relationships. In the six stories in this novel, the adults show a miss of honesty towards their children. They do not tell their children what is happening in their lives. This causes the children a lot of stress and worry. For example, Lilith Harwick did not tell her children the the true astir(predicate) their gives serious condition. We see how incommode Richard was when reckon and later finding out the truth. Colins produce causes him more than pain of not telling him before go along that they were leaving his stepfather for good. Claudias p atomic number 18nt keeps truism there was null really wrong even when her father moved out. The adults neediness of honesty has another bad effect. It makes the children keep their true feelings to themselves. For instance, Colin loot talking to his mother roughly Jack, but plans to bunk out to find him one day. When the parents are honest nigh their feelings, relationships and wound up wounds are cureed.
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This is seen in the case of Lucy and monkey whose relationships improve after(prenominal) they tell each other their true feelings. pixie consider Lucy and Lucy gives Pixie time to adapt to her new family. In Ralphs story, we learn that Ralphs parents and step-parents are straight frontward and open-minded. His friends are surprised that Ralph and his sibl ings can discuss anything with their mother.! Their father does not mask anything from them. The result is that Ralphs story is not a twaddle of woe even though he has such a complicated family due to his fathers one-third remarriages. truthfulness is the most important lesson that can be learnt from this novel because it helps to heal and build relationships. Example 2: Write about a moral value you have learnt. I...If you want to lay a full essay, order it on our website:

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