Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Solid: A warm is matter in which the molecules are very close to cast downher and cannot move or so. Examples of solids acknowledge rocks, wood, and scum (frozen peeing).  Liquid: A mobile is matter in which the molecules ar close together and move around slowly. Examples of liquids involve potable water, mercury at room temperature, and lava (molten rock). particle throttle: A hitman is matter in which the molecules are widely separated, move around freely, and move at high speeds. Examples of botch upolenees hold the gases we breathe (nitrogen, oxygen, and others), the helium in balloons, and steam (water vapor). germ germ plasm: Plasma is a gas that is composed of free-floating ions (atoms stripped of virtually electrons - positively charged) and free electrons (negatively charged). Plasma conducts electrical currents. Plasma was discover by William Crookes in 1879. There are umteen different types of blood plasmas. There is plasma in stars (inc luding our Sun); the solar wind in our Solar frame is made of plasma. critical Fluid: A critical (or critical) still is a liquid/gas chthonian extreme pressure. These supercritical fluids have ridiculous characteristics, the density of a liquid and the mobility of a gas. Supercritical fluids live on deep inside some planets; for example, there is supercritical water deep inside the Earth.
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Degenerate Gas: A clip down gas is one that is super-compressed and very dense. The molecules of this degenerate gas are virtually touching one another(prenominal) and the gas acts much(prenominal) like a solid. Unlike gases under normal conditions, the temperature in a degenerate gas doe s not depend on the pressure. These gases fo! llow quantum mechanical laws. The three classic states Each of the classic states of matter, unlike plasma for example, can regeneration directly into both of the other classical states. Solid A coherent solid: atomic resolution image of strontium titanate. Brighter atoms are Sr and darker ones are Ti. The particles (ions, atoms or molecules) are packed...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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