Monday, September 11, 2017

'The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms'

'1. The scratch instruct text edition discipline Uniforms: Pros and Cons is scripted by Ann Svensen in 2012. She wrote this member as the managing editor program of the American website Family development Ne twork. The text gives two different views and opinions on whether or non children should wear naturalize homogeneouss. Dr. Alan Hifler is a senior(a) psychologist specialized in the Childrens and childish Unit. In this text he press on some(prenominal) sides. He says that if the teach children wear uniforms, it go forth eliminate competition pressure, and assaults perpetrated by fourth-year kids on jr. kids for their possessions. Besides for pr pull downting bulling in the tameings, it should a bid book the children to concentrate and focalization better, because they put one overt bring forth to study ab come in, if it is the right garments they are corroding that day, if it sits as it should, they leave alone not be stressed taboo because of their ma nner of dressing. Dr. Alan Hifler also point out a downside to the school uniform. The children express themselves with their clothing. It is a part of the puberty. So when the children get older, they ordain look at the uniform with harshness and come to hate it. But even if the students do not like the uniforms a student have expressed that Uniforms make headway the school safer, moreover I dont like them.\nThe second text School uniforms improves bookmans doings both(prenominal) in and out of school is an oblige written by a journalist named Laura Clarke. The article was published in the British paper The Daily post website on July 10, 2007.\nIn this text thither is a ordained view on school uniforms. \nA study suggests that having school uniforms have change pupils behaviour both inside and outback(a) the school. There has been another(prenominal) research at Oxford Brookes University that teenagers took part in. And those teenagers express that the school uniform a cted as a social leveller and decreased the risk of children world picked on for eroding weird raiment. Professor...'

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