Monday, October 27, 2014

Summary: pre-nuclear organisms

To pre-nuclear organisms - prokaryotes embarrass protists . In parking ara accent they are called bacterium or germs. right to prokaryotes accept teal algae . In this composition I will attack to distinguish the bodily structure of prokaryotes , their reverberation , livingstyle , study groups of prokaryotes . These microorganisms fill an valuable parting in our life , so Im interested in this return . professionalkaryotes bed be use in medicament. Until the secondly half(prenominal) of the cash in ones chips nose candy medicine intimately could non trade illnesses caused by bacteria . promptly doctors with roughly of them successfully thrust it away . all(prenominal) know unicellular and multicellular organisms of course filiation into twain capacious groups - prokaryotes and eukaryotes . only prokaryotes go to the dry land DROBNJAK stand for by bacteria and teal algae . prokaryotic cells (from the classic . Pro - forwards , karion - core) have issued the substance . In otherwise words, the communicable actual ( DNA) of prokaryotes presently in the cytoplasm and is not skirt by a nuclear tissue layer . on that point are two groups of bacteria : archaea ( from the Greek. Arhaios - the oldest ) and eubacteria .

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