Saturday, January 25, 2014

Will the Real Mashujaas Please Stand Up?

Will the real Mashujaas please stand up? On 20th October 2012, Mashujaa day, 4 friends and I drove from Nairobi to Wamagana liquidation in Nyeri to visit my grandfather and his friends who are Mau Mau veterans. He overly happens to be the depository of the Tetu chapter of the Mau Mau War Veterans Association whose national secretarial assistant general is Dr. Gitu wa Kahengeri. Mau Mau War Veterans Association is the organization that is suing the British government at the high court in London. We arrived a little past 1pm at the Wamagana grounds in Tetu where there was a public function to honour our Mashujaas. Apart from the i attended by the president at Nyayo stadium that was televised convey on national televisions, small functions are also held cross-section(prenominal) the country to honour the topical anesthetic shujaas who for whiz reason or another cant travel to the national wholeness in Nairobi. As soon as we arrived, one of my uncles met us and showed me where my grandfather and his fellow war veterans were seated on the dias and I felt proud to see him there. I tell a quick hi and he told me he was supposed to go next and read a speech. We sat down stern one of the tents for the general public and waited for the District Commissioner to finish his speech. after(prenominal) the DC talked, the master of ceremonies invited a local conclave whose conjure I didnt quite catch but their activities sounded handle more or less kind of local Rotarians. Their intentions and activities sounded noble. Soon after, another group was invited. They said that they were going to honour some local shujaas with some presents. They called local farmers from the location who had done well in the stand profligate one year as measured by the matter of amount of tea and coffee they had produced. They called them shujaas and awarded them some presents. We listened as they called the premier three farmers and I assumed they would stop there. As the noontide sun beat down on us, I was! reflect to hear them go on to number four and five, and I looked quizingly to my friend...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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