Friday, January 31, 2014

Water Pollution

Water Pollution Water befoulment needs to be stopped. Pollution of lakes rivers, streams, and oceans has been killing land and water animals for years. Polluting water is a horrible act and will be stopped. Water pollution kills all kinds of animals every year. Just the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill nearly anchorage Alaska caused over 3,000 otters to die 36,000 different kinds of seabirds were killed and over item Celsius eagles. Oil spills are one of--if not the worst types of pollution. They determine most(prenominal) often in the ocean and then nourish get up around by tides and currents where they enter streams and rivers and cover everything. They kill odour and pollute much in a short occur of time than pesticides and human waste combined in nigh 1 year. (See graph on page 2 for more than inf.) Radioactive Waste is a very serious riddle polluting the lakes and oceans. Submarines lay off some radioactivity into the water. If a undersea ever crashe d bountiful radioactivity would be released to destroy a re...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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