Friday, January 24, 2014

The Poem Summer Farm by Norman Macaig

In the opening line of the poesy, MacCraig provides the reader with a allegory, test the ___________________ to _____________________________. This description is also oxymoronic as lightning is described as low, whereas is nature lightning is often wild, explosive and threatening. By comparing straws to cultivate lightnings, MacCraig gives the impression An early(a) descriptive device is given in the run-on line in relation to the straws which hang .. which suggests that . In the second line of the first line a simile is usaged again green as glass. present the poet is describing . . In the final line of the first stanza MacCraig gives the reader some other contrasting image the ducks wobbling in two full lines. Wobbling denotes the way , though there is a magician of order portrayed by In the second stanza, doing is conveyed by the swallow. The actions of the swallow are described as ____________________________________________. ridiculous inconsolable is a lso an effective image because . In the trio stanza, the speaker of the rime becomes more evident through the use of the I. The use of I reinforces ____________________________________________ . Though a problematic comparison, it is introduce that the speaker of the poem has compared himself to the grasshopper. The grasshopper is similar to him because . The short earn of the poem shifts completely to the speaker of the poem as he describes himself as a pile of selves. This suggests that . In the final lines of the poem the poet describes an invisible hand a metaphysic hand which lifts the farm kindred a lid and we see eventually in the centre, me. In this final image the writer is describing If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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