Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Page 1 of 17 Copyrights © 2007 Selftest Engine, all rights Reserved. A. Account Provisioning nous No: 5 Microsoft Dynamics GP will reinforcement what type of SQL legion authentication? Category: B. Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-In for Microsoft Word A. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 C. Microsoft SQL horde Native Client 10.0 D. Microsoft SQL waiter 2008 execute: A, C header No: 4 Which of the following prerequisite can be installed automatically from the theatrical lineament Installation window when installing Microsoft Dynamics GP? have the 2 that apply. Category: C. Notification Services D. SQL Server doer A. Endpoint B. Management Studio Answer: D Question No: 3 What component required for using SQL curriculum Jobs is missing from SQL Server 2008 Express? Category: B. a shortcut to the greatplain.msi. A. an email link to the setup.exe. C. Windows Update. D. a distribution tool such(prenomi nal) as Systems Management Server. Answer: A, D Question No: 2 The elicitation package can be delivered through: deal the 2 that apply. Category: B. Clear ANSI quoted identifiers, ANSI nulls, pads and warnings and perform exposition for nature data options A. Accept the default ODBC settings C. Select ANSI quoted identifiers and clear Perform translation for character data D. Select ANSI quoted...If you want to birth a wide-eyed essay, order it on our website:

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