Friday, January 3, 2014

Evolution Of Antibiotic Resistance

: Can it be PreventedThroughout the course of time , bacteria illuminate in found a way to resist antibiotics that they were antecedently suggestible to and in effect , this could prove as a bane to humans . However , I believe that if researchers employment the brokers of these bacteria , they can find a way to someways baffle antibiotic resistance . In this connection , jibe to an term published in the Science Daily , researchers from the humane Genome Sequencing revolve about at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and NimbleGen Systems , Inc . give birth off developed a radical proficiency that combines gene chip technology with the latest gene sequencing apparatuss that enables fast and hi-fi sequencing of selected parts of the genome The technique habits microarrays to set up the passel of particular ge nomic sequences and subsequently , a desoxyribonucleic acid sequencing machine determines the exact hereditary code of the material . Further much , found on the article the breakthrough is faster , more accurate , and more efficient than the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR ) method , which was is the technique ordinarily used in DNA sequencing .
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In wizard try , the new technique was able to analyze 6 ,400 exons , which are the parts of the genetic code that contains the instructions in fashioning proteinsIn short , researchers or scientists can actually use the new technique to select a portion of the DNA that is pretend to cause a disease remove the throwaway(prenominal) portions , and increase the selected genome s volume! using microarrays by three vitamin C times or more , giving results that are more accurate at a faster timeIn conclusion , since in that respect is a new technique that can greatly step on it up the process of genetic analysis , this can be employed in the study of certain bacteria that extradite antibiotic resistance and in effect , possibly interdict them from mutating into a form that could be potentially be noisome to humansBasically , in to prevent these bacteria from evolving into more powerful forms , researchers and scientists should be one step ahead of them by focusing on analyzing their genesReferencesScience Daily (October 16 , 2007 . DNA Sequencing Becomes Much Quicker Retrieved November 30 , 2007 from http /www .sciencedaily .com /releases /2007 /10 /8 .htm PAGE 2...If you command to push a full essay, order it on our website:

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