Friday, January 24, 2014


After the fall of Singapore in WWII, Singapore drag that under the British direct, they were no longer safe. The events which followed the end of WWII light-emitting semiconductor diode to various conflicts within the country causing Singapore to decompose from Malaya. British colonization contend a major break apart to the nationalism of Singapore. Without the British, Singapore wouldnt have developed into a modern, industrialised independent nation. The fall of Singapore was a let on event that triggered the independence and nationalism of Singapore [[Authors rear unknown, Royal liquid ecstasy Travel, 1994]. After the Nipponese throw absent in 1945, Singapore may have been returned back to British rule but their attitude towards the British changed. Ever since the Japanese crease in World War 2, it has greatly lessen the European Prestige in Singapore. This then lead to the ascertain on of the packs Action Party ( bosom) in 1954, a state-controlled politica l party lead by lee Kwan Yew. This was the rattling party that lead Singapore into its own independence. When the PAP win the majority of seats in the newly-formed Legislative assembly in 1959, Lee Kuan Yew became the first Singaporean to become ancient pastor [Authors name unknown, Asia Web Direct, 2011]. British colonisation played a major part towards the nationalism of Singapore. It began with the fundament of redbrick Singapore in 1819 at the arrival of Sir Stamford gift, a British East India Company officer, who found Singapore as a British Trading Post [R. Chan, Royal Exclusive Travel, 1994]. When Raffles first landed in Singapore in 1819, there was separation within the Johore Sultanate [Ko Samui, Asia Web Direct, 2011]. The old Sultan, Mahmud Shah III, passed away in 1812, and his younger intelligence had ascended to the throne when the eldest son and legitimise heir, Hussein, was not present. The younger son, Abdul Rahman Muazzam Shah was under the influ ence of the Dutch and would hence never agr! ee to a British bestial in Singapore. So Raffles threw his support behind...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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