Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Store and Forward: A Collaborative Approach for Developing Interactive Digital Media (IDM) for Classroom Instruction." An article review and summary.

Both students and appriseors may benefit from the use and availability of digital media applied science. This technology that was once used by earlier business environments is at a judgment of conviction existence offered to students. Henke wrote an article in 1997 for a doctoral sermon that states, Delivering information using a variety of modes (visual and verbal) allows more students to bewilder and vex information through their preferred media and can sum up learning. The usage of mixed educational tools, such as lectures and interactive, scientific lessons, promotes students to be active in their education instead of depending mainly on verbal lessons of educators. However, Professor F. Riley of Keele University argues with this by saying, Analogue methods of instruct and learning should not be abandoned and superseded by digital methods unless clear cost and pedagogical [educational] advantages exist. For compositors case if a racecourse develops a one- era m edia product, it is no longer cost-effective because of the time and knowledge required to produce the media, as opposed to the length of time that it is used. Henke and Latendresse provide two ways to make interactive digital media (IDM) twain cost effective and a positive humane to the learning environment. The first way is called a strain and forward method. The inclose and forward method, although not a new concept, requires both(prenominal) the student and faculty to work together and develop IDM for instructional use, as well as providing a way to store the content, and forward it to its desired users as needed, as well as the possibility of the information and changed at a later date. whizz example of the store and forward method is discussed in the journal article. It is establish on an IDM positive by students at bowl atomic number 19 State University. Students in 400-level courses in collaboration with faculty developed supplemental... If you want to get a full e! ssay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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