Friday, December 27, 2013

MTV's Success with Teenagers

MTV has become the icon of cable stations across the country. Their seduction has been analyzed and reported for numerous years. MTV began as a venue for record companies to show medicine videos to advertise their artists. Today, the channel reaches e trulywhere 70 million United States households. MTV was the first 24-hour, seven-day-a-week commercial channel, because the medicament videos were seen as advertisements that ranged from artists and record labels to c litterhing and attitudes. There are many reasons given for MTVs success throughout its lifetime. What MTV aimed at was to set aside the immatured audience. They did this by means of eliminating adults from shows. MTV gives teens a feeling that they are the center of the creation: that they are powerful, and cool. When someone signs up to work for MTV, they are fundamentally signing up to become 21 years old. This immerses them into these untried adults melody, style, and reality. MTV also use s many techniques like changing styles and introducing new music to keep teen viewers hungering for more. MTVs tactical development of targeting the teen audience has been a positive maneuver and is the dominating bundle in the rise of the companys popularity. Presented here are three major(ip) motives that suck up MTVs fame. First, after ratings fell in the 1990s, MTV managed to bring itself bet on to the top of the ratings by certain marketing ploys. Second, MTV educates and familiarizes todays teenage horticulture with the changing society.
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Thirdly, MTV devotes all of its programming to serve the interest of the secular concern demographic. There are many reasons why MTV is aim ing to capture the teenage audience. First, ! todays teenage culture bases their agendas around the mass media. It is very common for teenagers to mark their plans around certain shows, so they do not little girl viewing... I have neer plan about MTV a lot considering that I neer watch it, but I thought your essay was informatory and a sneak peek into the minds of the execs. give thanks 4 writing!!! If you want to get a extensive essay, bon ton it on our website:

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