Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Act Iii Answers

Act III 1. He wants to challenge him to a duel. 2. He decides to contend on behalf of Romeo. 3. He enjoin his hand in in the midst of them and gave Tybalt the opportunity to stab him. 4. Romeo kills Tybalt and then flees. 5. His penalization is banishment from Verona, if he does not buy the farm he bequeathing be put to expiry. 6. She defends him because if Romeo had not killed Tybalt, then Tybalt would have killed him. 7. She tells the prevail to go befall Romeo and have him come see her in the lead he leaves. 8. He wants to kill himself because banishment is worse that death because everyone else will be able to see Juliet except him. 9. He tells Romeo to comfort Juliet and leave before the sun rises and go to near town, Mantua. Friar will then announce the marriage, hopefully lick families together, and beg prince to free Romeo 10. That Paris and Juliet are going to be married on Thursday 11 . Juliet doesnt want Romeo to go (because he has to leave in the morning) and so she pretends it is night so she can keep Romeo to stay. 12. He is furious. He rages about her ungratefulness, calls her young baggage. He tells her that if she doesnt hook up with Paris, the she will have to leave the house.
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13. She tells Juliet to occlude about Romeo and marry Paris. 14. Shes touchy at the nanny-goat because the nurse told her to break her spousal vows and also because she criticizes Romeo after evaluate him. 15. During the time, they believed in arranged marriages and Juliet believed in love marriage with Romeo. 16. To her female parent she soun ds like she despises Romeo but to the heari! ng we see that she is declaring her love for Romeo. 17. She is froward and stubborn. She lacks in respect to her parents because Juliet is mad at her parents because they are forcing her to marry Paris, a person she doesnt love.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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