Monday, November 4, 2013


Name of StudentPersuasive SpeechI . IntroductionA . Attention Getter : What do George W . Bush , note Clinton and my Dad have in common ? They all potty pot during their college days . Of course , Bush won t spring he did , Clinton , to his recollection , did not inhale it and my Dad contrive smoking pot might help him become the future(a) chairperson of the United States of America . By the way , that pop turned one around my Dad , was just a jokeB . dissertation Statement : Yes America ! The 5 ,000-year old weed called halter that has been used as a cultural , traditional and medicinal herb since the ancient civilization , is still prohibited in the 21st century USA . Today , I would similar to decl ar that the Prohibition of Marijuana does not draw and mustiness be put to an end in our unpolished , mire here , right nowC . Relate to Audience : Did you know that affluent to 100 million Americans--including to a greater extent than half of those between the ages of 18 and 50--have tried hemp at least erstwhile ? And I m pretty sure that you know person in your family , your convention of friends and loved ones who smoked pot once in their lifetime . Even the so-called respectable members of our confederacy : doctors , priests , teachers , politicians police officers and level off our parents have all pled inculpative to have tried ganja at least onceD . comprise Credibility : I would alike(p) to extract a former Seattle police Chief , average Stamper . He said , quote and unquote , Prohibition doesn t work In fact he wrote a book entitle , Breaking Rank : A croak Cop s bankrupt of the Dark Side of American Policing that explicitly recommends that America should legitimate , tax and regulate hemp fit in to Stamper , legalizing ganja can help th e police to localize on more violent crime! s , not petty crimes that yen the abuser more than societyE .
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Pre insure of Main intends : Of course , the faithfulness enforcement point of view of the prohibition is just one slope of the coin . thither are besides medical and sparing benefits to the legalization of marijuana which I result discuss in detail subsequently on . We all know that administration prohibition of marijuana is very much still the strung-out of ongoing grapple . Major politicians and nigh parents are against the legalization of marijuana . For precedent , The Food and Drug Administration (FDA issued an announcement this yearin 2001 that smoking marijuana has no medical benefits . Parents are alike chafeed closely the increase of use and abuse of marijuana if it becomes legally lendable to the public And there s also the concern on the introduction Theory , where marijuana users might also try different illegal drugs . Today , I will present both sides of the coin and discuss my reasons why legalizing marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes should be voted forII . BodyA . Main Point 1 : Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana1 . a . As I ve mentioned earlier , our country s law enforcers are speaking out their opinion about legalizing marijuana . The most notable...If you want to get a panoptic essay, order it on our website:

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