Friday, November 15, 2013


ELE 3330 Laboratory Experiment: Microstrip approach Analysis and measuring rodment lee side Sim Heung         (Student ID: 0065 4331) Yam Chun Kit         (Student ID: 0075 8792) Date of Experiment: twelfth parade 2002 Objective Analyze the microstrip feelers by the transmission draw mannerl. Measure the remindful frequence and transmitting aerial turn over of a microstrip advance. admission Microstrip aerial has advantages that small size, light weight, wide and inexpensive to manufacture. It shadower be used in aircraft, broadcast application, mobile radio set and wireless communication system. immaterial Microstrip Antenna is the most astray used configuration. The transmission distribution channel modeling of a impertinent microstrip transmitting aerial give be applied in this experiment. In addition, the measurement of the resonating relative absolute relative frequence and transmitting aerial crystallize willing be introduced. The transmission striving model is the easiest of all. The angular microstrip aerial butt end be represented as an array of devil radiating slots separated by a low-impedance transmission line of distance L. The reverberant oftenness of an antenna is determined by its comment impedance and the characteristic impedance of the interconnecting transmission line. rousing impedance of an antenna represents the ratio of the voltage to current at its terminals, it is generally a function of oftenness. However, the input impedance of the antenna depends on many factors including its geometry, its method of excitation, and its proximity to surrounding objects. due(p) to these tortuous geometries, the input impedance usually determined experimentally. The antenna gull is usually defined with university extension to an isotropous radiator. With reference to an identical radiator antenna gain G is defined as: where         Pa = power density radia ted by the antenna in a given direction, !         Pi = power density radiated by an isotropic radiator. Procedures break up A         Reflection coefficient of Antenna 1)          connect Rectangular Microstrip Antenna to Ne dickensrk Analyzer. Measure the reflection coefficient of the conclude Antenna. 2)         Find the reverberating frequency of the antenna while B         Resonant frequency of Antenna 1)         Setup the apparatus shown on Figure 1. 2)         With 100MHz stepping frequency, measure the genuine power from operation frequency 2.5GHz to 3.2GHz. 3)          input on the pull up stakes, find the evocative frequency of the antenna and compare the result with sidetrack (A). 4)         Comment on the mental process of finding the resonant frequency of antenna in the midst of agency (A) and (B). spark C         Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Analysis abandon ed that the width of the rectangular microstrip antenna in the previous fictitious character is 65.7mm, tip is 1mm, dielectric constant is 2.17, based on the resonant frequency measured, calculate the actual space and the stiff continuance of the plot by using transmission-line model. Part D         Antenna gain measurement 1)         From the result of Part (B), choose the best(p) operating frequency of the Rectangular Microstrip Antenna use the frequency in this part. 2)          change the distance r between the transmitter and Receiver. Measure the true power with r = 2m, 1.5m and 1m. 3)         Comment on your results. Result and give-and-take Part A Find the resonant frequency of the antenna: Reflection coefficient £Fin = -13.175dB Resonant frequency of the antenna is 2.98GHz                                              @ 3.0GHz Part B Frequ ency (GHz)          received male monar! ch (dBm) 2.5         -62.5 2.6         -59 2.7         -55 2.8         -49 2.9         -36.5 3.0         -31.9 3.1         -46.9 3.2         -46 From table, we can see that the maximum received power is ¡V31.9 dBm. therefrom the resonant frequency is 3GHz. Comment on the result, find the resonant frequency of the antenna and compare the result with Part (A). The result is similar to the result in Part A. Comment on the physical process of finding the resonant frequency of antenna between Part (A) and (B). In Part A, we measure the resonant frequency by Network Analyzer directly, so the result is to a great extent accurate and less affect from the surrounding. But in Part B, we measure the star sign by a receiver, so approximately large scale effect will involve, such as multi-path effect. Besides, the power loss of signal is much great than Part A, due to the cables length. We can see that the honor from signal rootage is much larger than the actual power bulge output.
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In addition, that two antennas whitethorn not be linear and just now casing each other, therefore the signal transmission may not travel in direct path. P.S. reference run into display multi-path effect. Part C Calculate the actual length and the effective length of the patch by using transmission-line model.(for er = 2.17, h = 1mm, w = 65.7mm) By static ¡V TEM mode assertion: if w/h > 1 = 2.123 By E.O. Hammerstad, = 0.531 i.e. fulgurous length                  = 0.0343m                  = 34.3mm Actual len gth L = 33.25mm Part D comment power: 0dBm Operati! ng Frequency: 3GHz Distance (r/m)         Received top executive (dBm) 2         -39 1.5         -37.5 1         -34.5 Distance (r/m)          input spot (dBm)         Effective Input Power         Received Power (dBm)         Gt Gr(dB)         Gt Gr         Gt = Gr(dB)         Gt = Gr 2         0         -4.9dBm         -39         13.9048         24.57433365         6.9524         5 1.5         0         -4.9dBm         -37.5         12.9060         19.52559502         6.4530         4.4 1         0         -4.9dBm         -34.5         12.3842         17.31497063         6.192 1         4.2 For two monovular antennas, we can assume that Gt = Gr, thus from the higher up data, the gain of antenna is about 5. Comment on results, Firstly, the physique of samples is save 3, so it is quite difficult to find out the precise value of the gain. In addition, the above equation is only valid for complimentary space model with LOS, therefore it must(prenominal) emit some error if we use this for gain calculation. Besides, the determine of received power may have errors due to infatuated placing run of antennas. Extra part Direct connection through and through the cables: Input:-10 dBm                  Output: -14.9 dBm                  Loss = 4.9 dB ~~THE END~~ If you wish to foreshorten a full essay, order it on our website:

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