Thursday, November 28, 2013

Islamic Banking

?BSTR?CT Th? purp?s? ?f th?s r?s??rch ?s t? ?nv?st?g?t? th? ?pp?rtun?t??s ?f d?v?l?pm?nt ?nd gr?wth ?s w?ll ?s th? m??n ch?ll?ng?s t? ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?n th? UK. Th? UK ?s th? hub ?f ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?nd c?nt??ns ?mp?rt?nc? ?n ?sl?m?c f?n?nc??l s?ct?r du? t? ?ts f?st gr?w?ng Musl?m p?pul?t??n. ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?s f?c?ng s?m? gr??t ch?ll?ng?s ?n th? UK b?c?us? th? f?n?nc??l syst?m ?s m?r? f?v?ur?bl? t? c?nv?nt??n?l b?nk?ng. Ch?pt?r ? ?NTR?DUCT??N Th?s ch?pt?r pr?v?d?s ? br??f b?ckgr?und ?f ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?n th? W?rld ?s w?ll ?s ?n th? UK ?b?ut ?ts syst?m ?nd pr?ct?c?.
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Th? ?sl?m?c f?n?nc??l l?w h?s l?ng h?st?ry but ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?nd f?n?nc? ?ndustry c?m? ?nt? ?x?st?nc? w?th pr?f?t ?nd l?ss sh?r?ng ?nv? short-term memory?nt by ?gypts M?t Gh?mr S?v?ng B?nks ?n 1963. ?ft?r ?ff?c??l ?x?st?nc? ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng h?s gr?wn ?n th? ?r?? ?f f?n?nc?, b?nk?ng, ?nsur?nc?, m?rtg?g?, ?nd ?ss?ts m?n?g?m?nt bus?n?ss w?th ?nnu?l gr?wth r?t? ?f 10-15 %. But ?ctu?l d?v?l?pm?nt ?n ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng ?s st?rt?d ?ft?r 1970 w?th n?w ?nv?stm?nt t?chn?qu?s, str?t?g??s ?nd pr? transmission channel d?v?l?pm?nt (St?w?rd, 2008). dub?? ?sl?m?c B?nk (D?B) ?s kn?wn ?s w?rld f?rst ?sl?m?c b?nk ?t w?s f?rm?d ?n 1975. Curr?ntly ?t h?s 48 br?nch?s wh?ch gr??t s?rv?c?s. D?B ?ff?rs h?gh?r r?turns th?n c?nv?nt??n?l b?nk?ng syst?m ?s w?ll th?y pr?v?d? ?ut?, h?m? ?nd p?rs?n?l f?n?nc? pr?ducts (Pl?tt, 2008).?n s?m? c?untr??s such ?s P?k?st?n, ?r?n ?nd Sud?n ?ll b?nks ?r? ?p?r?t?ng ?cc?rd?ng t? ?sl?m?c f?n?nc??l l?w but ?n s?m? ?th?r c?untr??s su ch ?s B?ngl?d?sh, ?gypt, ?nd?n?s??, J?rd?n ?! nd M?l?ys?? ?sl?m?c b?nk?ng s?rv?c?s ?r? pr?v?d?d thr?ugh c?nv?nt??n?l b?nk?ng. Th?r? ?s b?g m?v?m?nt st?rt?d ?n th? W?st?rn c?untr??s ?sp?c??lly Un?t?d K?ngd?m, ?ustr?l?? ?nd Un?t?d St?t? (Sh?nmug?m, P?rum?l ?nd R?dzw?, 2004). ?n th? UK tw? m??n h?gh str??t b?nks ?r? pr?v?d?ng ?sl?m?c f?n?nc??l s?rv?c?s ?n c?mp?t?t?v? b?s?s ?nd ?sl?m?c B?nk ?f Br?t??n ?s well(p)y ?cc?rd?ng t? Sh?r??h... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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