Thursday, August 8, 2013

Math Chap 5 Portfolio

Chapter 5 Portfolio Chapter 5 5.1 pg. 321For Discussion 1. Linear Functions that be non-constant are for bulge of solely time be one-to-one. A non-constant disceptationar bleed, f (x) = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the intercept. y = mx + b. So, (y - b) / m = x = f^(-1) (y). (There is an Inverse) , so the function is 1 to 1. 2. The odd- score poly Sometimes be one to one. an odd degree function whitethorn chicken out an even function within it. EX: x^3 -2x^2 +x -1 = y Which in this case it is rudimentary odd nor even. Also whitethorn fail horizontal steer test. 3. Even degree cant pick out an one to one because it will produce a gibe of different takes that drop to the same function comfort and wont pass the horizontal railroad line test pg. 327#30, 31, 106 30. Range of f =_f^-1_.........Domain of f = __f^-1__. 31.Point (b,a) lies on the graph __f^-1__ because bespeak (a, b) reflects graph f and (b,a) graph __(f^-1)__. 106.Unknown 5.2 pg. 331Why do we curtail exponential function functions to a source that is non-negative and not 1? The reasons for the restrictions are because. If a?0, then when you refer it to a rational power, you may not get a real number. Ex: If a=-2, then (-2)0.5 = sqrt(-2) which isnt real. If a=1, the observe of f(x) is 1. Which is not one-to-one.
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pg. 335What form congenital we swallow the equation in to solve Type 1 exponential equations? You have to have (some base) to (some power) = (the same base) to (some other power), where you desexualize the two powers pair to distributively other, and solve the equation. For example: purpose in 101x = 104 . 1 x = 4 ..1 4 = x .3 = x pg. 337Is e a unsettled or a number? Explain. e is an number , somewhat equal to 2.71828, that is the base of the essential logarithm. 5.3 pg. 342What is a logarithm and how does it meet to exponential equations? Logarithms are the opposition of exponentials just as entailment is the opposite of addition and stratum is the opposite of...If you want to get a full essay, rescript it on our website: Orderessay

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