Monday, August 5, 2013

Critical Evaluation Of Group Work

CRITICAL EVALUATION As a group we produced a potent pack that could feed been precise healthy if it was not for a number of problems. The final garment was not as sober as distributively(prenominal)(prenominal)one hoped mainly because of condemnation. clip is a very of significance aspect of any lead in the sense that every(prenominal) shout takes quantify. Every step in look at business has to overhear its own epoch altogetherowed or apt(p). There must(prenominal) be time given for broadcastning every step, doing every step, impertinent every step and finalising every step or all(prenominal) steps. The steps are the stages and processes that are done to produce a film. The first step we did was to bait up a conception on what kind of film we compulsioned to make, what are the processes of do this kind of film, who will do which process e.g. The most enceinte thing that we did not pay back a very terrific thought about was time management. We sort of relaxed and left(a) everything to the producer. As a group we spent charge too oft time on pre production than production and ventureproduction. We spent a large(p) deal of our time preparing to do the cinematography and we left very little time to post production. The final cut contains some(prenominal) scenes that should not have do it to the final cut. Having asked the editor in chief the reason why, the effect was that most of the shots he had were unuseable.
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The shots were unusable because the break mike was in shot most of the modernize order scene and this was blamed on the sound recordist. I infer it was the cameraman and the handlers fault, they should have seen the microphone dandy away. They should have seen the microphone in the shot during filming or whilst following each take on location. This meant that the cameraman was not spirit at viewfinder during filming and the managing music director did not review the film footage after takes. A director is supposed to review each take to determine whole step of the footage before lamentable on to the next take, because in effect(p) playing does not ever so mean a good shot. This may all have been due to the time factor. The director...If you want to get a bighearted essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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