Saturday, July 13, 2013

Universal Themes in "Antigone"

        Sophocles, the great Greek tragedian wrote the catastrophe Antigone. In the play he uses widely distributed joint themes, themes the hearing knows and can relate to. These ecumenic themes, consignment to family, to demesne and to the Gods bring forth the conflict resulting in tragedy. The listening witnesses committedness to family, through the affectionate emotions of the characters. Most of the characters in Antigone be declination related. Antigone deeply loves her fellow and cant bear the thought of him not having a square-toed burial. She knows that interment him is strictly against Creons orders, and is well alert of the consequences. not able to springy with her br other not acquiring a proper burial, and designed the gods were on her side, she buries him. Haemon shows allegiance towards his beget when Creon punishes his fiancé for adult her brother the proper burial rights. Heamon disagrees with his father, but does not potently contest with his authority, nonetheless though he knows that his pappa is cleanup his love. Also, some other example of loyalty toward family is when Eurydice kills herself when she finds her watchword has killed himself. She really love her male child and decided she couldnt live both longer without her son. As a result of loyalty to family, Antigone and Haemon die, Ismene loses her sister, and Creon loses his wife and son.
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        Loyalty to state, is another report universal theme in greek tragedy. Ismene shows her loyalty to state when he disagrees with her sister, Antigone, and decides that she doesnt ant to use up her brother. She knows that Creon issued a order of order of magnitude against his burial and is not unforced to accept the punishment for burring him. This universal theme can go both ways. Loyalty or or the lack of. people in the greek consultation would not have concur with Polyneices... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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